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Hydrographic Services
Mid-Atlantic Marine Corp. has the ability to provide many services in the hydrographic survey industry including:
Before-Dredge and After-Dredge Surveys
Maintenance Surveys
SingleBeam Dual Frequency Surveys
Multibeam Surveys
Existing Conditions Surveys
High Definition Lidar Scanning
Pre- & Post- Marine Construction Surveys
Pre- and Post- Storm Surveys
Revetment, Groin, or Jetty Surveys
Side Scan Sonar
Tide Gauge Monitoring
Underwater Utility Location
Magnetometor Surveys
Diver Tracking via Mesotech MS1000 Scanning Sonar
Underwater Obstruction Locating
Lidar and Multibeam Data of a bridge structure | |
Lidar and Multibeam Data of a bridge structure | Lidar data showing electrical services mounted to the foundation of a bridge structure. |
Lidar and Multibeam Data of a stone toe dike. Surveys run at separate tide intervals to create a seamless data set. | Multibeam data showing stone placement over an existing pipeline. |
Mesotech Sonar mosaic showing bridge and crutch bent pile locations. | Mesotech Sonar image showing sediment build up and spalling on the face of dam. |
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